Saturday, November 6, 2010

What's your inner traffic light when it comesto relationships?

The Traffic Light
Daily Inspiration
By John H. Sklare, Ed.D, Lifescript Personal Coach
Published November 05, 2010

Traffic lights serve a very important role: They help us safely maneuver through traffic in order to avoid accidents and potential injuries involving other people around us. As I sat at a red light the other day, I realized that we all have a traffic light in our minds too.

We all have an internal traffic light, but we don’t always pay attention to it. When it comes to dealing with people in your life, how well is your internal traffic light working? When it comes to choosing friends and lovers, do you typically approach these personal life intersections with caution and occasionally yield or stop? Or do you ignore the caution and stop signs that appear in your mind and only see a green light when it comes to allowing people into your life? If you want to improve the overall flow of your life and have more fulfilling relationships, I suggest that you pay attention to that internal traffic light. This way you can avoid those crash-and-burn relationships. Remember, it’s no accident that some people tend to have healthier relationships more than others!

Wishing You Great Health,
Dr. John H. Sklare


now i have something toreally think about? is my internal traffic light green, yellow or red? i know for sure that as i got older i used the red traffic light on some people. i wanted quality friendsand not so-called friends. and i'm all "green" with the handful that i've kept. and yes for new people i meet, yellow it is. until the green light comes on again.

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