Thursday, May 5, 2011


Q&A – Help! My Husband Doesn’t Share His Feelings
Daily Inspiration
By John H. Sklare, Ed.D, Lifescript Personal Coach
Published May 05, 2011

Q: How do you deal with a husband who doesn’t share his thoughts and feelings with you?

-Erica S.

A: Hi Erica,

You ask a great question about a communication issue that lies at the center of many women’s heartache. Your husband is like a lot of men in this way. For some women, this poses no problem because they’re perfectly happy with a man who simply loves and cares for them through action. Others, like you, need something much deeper from their mate than mere physical displays of love.

Sometimes you can draw out more thoughts and feelings from your man through friendly and playful probing. However, for most men, the reluctance to engage in intimate communication is the result of a lifetime of behaving this way. Some people get involved in couples groups that specialize in strengthening communication skills, or you can start short-term marital counseling. You can’t make someone open up, but you can do everything possible to set the stage for that to happen. The good news is that these are skills that can be learned if the student is willing and the environment is safe.

Wishing You Great Health,
Dr. John H. Sklare


I belong the  "other" group.  And in all my encounters with men, I found one.  Just one man who have no qualms about sharing his thoughts and feelings.  Whatever they were. It was truly endearing. And refreshing.  And actually liberating to be allowed into those inner thoughts and feelings that are so different from mine.

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