Sunday, February 27, 2011


Dating Mistake #10 - Bringing Along Baggage

from "Top 10 Dating Don’ts"
Your Most Important Relationship Questions Answered
By Maureen Salamon, Special to Lifescript
Published February 06, 2011

Mistake #10: Bringing along baggage
Your baggage may include a string of failed relationships that you fear repeating.

Dating tip: But your new guy doesn’t want to feel like a chapter in a bad romance novel. So dwelling on former flames may prompt him to put you in his past – fast.

Baggage can also refer a person’s overall worries and pessimistic outlook on life.

“We’ve all got [issues], but if you focus on them constantly, it will bring down the other partner,” says Jennifer Samp, Ph.D., a speech communication professor at the University of Georgia who has done research on relationships.

Plus, too many emotional issues could make him unsure about your future together.

Samp adds: “He’ll wonder if this is always going to be a negative relationship.”


that's not hard to imagine. but certainly hard to do. especially if you're on the rebound. people usually go through this cyle - fall in love, get hurt, try to fall in love immediately.i'm sure you know that doesn't work. the 'wise' way is to fall in love, get hurt, heal, then be ready to fall in love again. then you'll find that love is indeed beautiful.

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