Friday, February 11, 2011

DATING MISTAKE # 2 - Putting Your Digital Life First

Top 10 Dating Don’ts
Your Most Important Relationship Questions Answered
By Maureen Salamon, Special to Lifescript
Published February 06, 2011

Mistake #2: Putting your digital life first
Many of us are guilty of digital multi-tasking – chatting on the cell phone during dinner, texting a BFF from our date’s car, surfing the web in bed.

But if your face is typically blocked by a screen, your new beau may turn his attention elsewhere, relationship experts say.

“The person you’re dating feels completely discounted,” Lieberman says. “It’s totally intrusive in a relationship – it tells the guy he’s not important.”

Plus, interrupting your dates for calls or texts broadcasts that you’re too “popular,” says Susan Newman, Ph.D., a New Jersey-based social psychologist. “It’s really a social cue you’re giving. A man gets the impression this is too hard – that it’s not worth the effort.”

Also, constantly updating your online status can show you’re more interested in yourself – and how you come across to your friends – than in him.

“If you’re using Facebook or Twitter every five minutes, you send this idea that you’re self-absorbed and that you have to tell everyone what you’re doing all the time,” she says.

Dating tip: Activate your phone’s silent mode or, if you’re expecting an important work or family call, slip away to another room and discreetly answer texts or emails there.


i hope my frequent posting is not being construed as an FB addiction. i don't even have to open my facebook account to send out these posts. why am i justifying this?

the issue is, you have to know you priorities? if you cannot live without your cellphone, are you ready to lose your partner?

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