Sunday, February 13, 2011

Dating Mistake #4 - BANNING GUY TIME

Dating Mistake #4 - BANNING GUY TIME

From the Artricle "Top 10 Dating Don’ts"
Your Most Important Relationship Questions Answered
By Maureen Salamon, Special to Lifescript
Published February 06, 2011

Mistake #4: Banning “guy time”

Just because you’re dating doesn’t mean he should drop his friends.

Much like women sometimes need a “girls’ night out,” guys want space and time to pursue their own interests, says Callahan.

So, whether you flat out veto his boys-only poker night, or just sulk when he leaves to watch the game with his buddies, “it’ll lead to a power struggle,” she says.

And that struggle often results in the opposite of what you wanted, causing an even bigger relationship issue.

Discouraging time away from each other can also end up backfiring.

“He’ll resent it, and sometimes he might even just do it to spite you,” Callahan says.

Dating tip: When he schedules a night with the guys, use that time to do something you like – perhaps yoga, a movie with the girls or a trip to the nail salon.


it all boils down to trust and the company your boyfriend keeps. drinking and beer houses are certainly not my idea of a for-the-boys night out. well, then this means your dating mistake #4 will depend on the kind of guy you hitched for a partner. you'd better think this one through.

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